Managing emotions under pressure

Managing emotions under pressure

Our emotions have a habit of controlling us more than we control them, especially when we’re under pressure. It’s easy for us to become overwhelmed and let our emotions loose. We often take anger out on undeserving colleagues, or let sadness impact our loved ones. Whilst it is good to acknowledge our feelings, ineffectively managing emotions under pressure can often get us into trouble, especially within a professional environment. It may be tempting to shout at an annoying customer over the phone, but doing so would likely only worsen the situation. Letting emotions sway us can be detrimental, and in the worst case scenario can lead to dire consequences.

When we’re challenged by our emotions it can seem like a losing battle. But it is possible to rein them in. This doesn’t mean you should push them to the side; it’s not healthy to ignore your feelings. Being able to manage your emotions under pressure means to acknowledge their presence without acting irrationally or impulsively. If a co-worker fails to meet an important team deadline, don’t lash out at them or belittle them. Help them to understand why the deadline was so important. work to find an alternative together as a team. You may not want to help a colleague who you think is slacking off, but going the extra mile may show your boss how Resilient you are. As well as showing off your professional attitude.

People often make the mistake of thinking that being emotionally Resilient means suffering in silence. You do not have to cope alone. Do your best, work hard, but don’t allow yourself to burn out. Mention to your boss if you’re feeling stressed or frustrated, they may be able to help you out. If you don’t speak up, they may continue to pile up a workload that you’re already unable to cope with. They will most likely be happy that you’ve asked for help, as it proves you’re dedicated to delivering a top quality service.

Another option is to talk to your loved ones. Being open and honest about how you’re feeling can be very therapeutic. Most of the time we realise how silly our worries sound when we say them out loud. Getting that nagging feeling off of your chest and out into the open gives you the opportunity to beat it into the ground, but do so in an environment where you’re safe. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to your family or a friend, you could write about the problem in a journal. There you are free to scribble across the pages as frantically as you see fit, whilst still acknowledging your feelings and making an effort to overcome them. This way you’re making an active effort to find a solution to your problem. This is what Resilience is all about, where managing emotions under pressure becomes the new normal.